Objective 4
Establishment of 8 Aggressor Counseling Centers and elaboration of a unitary methodology and a set of standardized tools for working with aggressors
Activity 4.1
Development of a unitary methodology and a standardized set of tools at national level for working with aggressors
At the level of ANES, a Working Group was established for the elaboration of the unitary methodology applicable at the level of counseling services for aggressors in cases of domestic violence. Experienced specialists from public and private organizations working in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence were invited to participate in this working group.
The final result of this activity will be materialized through a Joint Order on the approval of the unitary working methodology in case management regarding aggressors, in cases of domestic violence, for social service providers who will be subject to the approval of line ministries.
Activity 4.2
Seminars for the unitary application of work tools and case management in working with aggressors
80 employees of public and private social service providers, who currently provide counseling services for aggressors will benefit from professional training.
The training sessions will be held in collaboration with representatives of the Norwegian partner St.Olav University Hospital, Brøset Department, and will focus on techniques for combating intimate partner violence, cognitive behavioral treatment and cognitive techniques. The training topics will also include information on the relevant procedures of treatment programs for violent male partners and will promote good practice models on case management in working with aggressors.
Activity 4.3
Identification of 8 counties for the establishment of counselling centres
8 counties were selected for the establishment of Counseling Centers for aggressors: Giurgiu, Ialomița, Constanța, Dolj, Bacău, Sibiu, Timișoara and Bucharest – sector 6
The selection process carried out following the dialogue with the local authorities was materialized by concluding 8 Collaboration Protocols with the County Councils and the General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection to ensure the organization and functioning of new social counselling services for aggressors in cases of domestic violence, including by giving the necessary space for their operation.
Following the steps of ANES, local Coordination Committees were set up at local level with the participation of all relevant actors in the development and support of social services at local level.
The 8 Local Coordination Committees will meet in meetings attended by representatives of ANES, the County Council of Local Councils, the General Directorates of Social Assistance, the Local Police and other relevant institutions and organizations.
Activity 4.4
Establishment of a network of 8 counselling centres for aggressors
Based on the collaboration protocols concluded with the local public administration authorities, ANE will set up a national network of 8 counselling centres for domestic aggressors within the General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection in the counties:
Ialomiţa Bacău
Dolj Sibiu
Constant Timișoara
Giurgiu București – sector6